30+ Years of Local Swimming Pool Building Excellence
With over 30 years of local expertise, Champion Pools is your trusted partner for all your swimming pool needs in South FL. Whether you’re considering new construction or major renovations, our team is ready to transform your outdoor space.
Our team is here to help with all your pool needs in Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties. From new construction to major renovations. Contact us today and let us transform your outdoor space.
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Privacy Policy
We are committed to communicating with you in a professional manner and protecting your confidential information. We use the information you provide (e.g. name, address, phone number, email, etc.) to contact you to share information about our (products/services). We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request. This company does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others.
Please contact us to correct or update information at any time.
From I-95
Exit onto Belvedere Road, go west. Pass through Australian Avenue intersection. Turn right at next light, Florida Mango Road. Turn right onto Upland Road. Turn right into our parking lot immediately before the stop sign.
From the Florida Turnpike
Exit at exit number 97 / Southern Blvd (SR 80). Turn left and head east for five (5) miles. Take the left-hand off ramp turning left onto Australian Avenue Northbound. At the second (2nd) light, turn left or west onto Belvedere Road. Turn right at next light, Florida Mango Road. Turn right onto Upland Road. Turn right into our parking lot immediately before the stop sign.
1700 Upland Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:30pm
Saturday by appointment
Sales dial Ext. 229
Permitting dial Ext. 230
Construction or Customer Service Dial Ext 231
Accounting Dial Ext. 229
David Brams, Owner Dial Ext. 233
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